Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Make money easy

If you want to get money fast, or earn but did work hard, I have ways how to make money fast

1. Win at the lottery and the race course.
2. Marry with a rich partner if you are not already married.
3. Sale your wealth
4. Make Write a book or make music and earn royalty
5. make other passive income

if you belive me, you can try now

Monday, June 8, 2009

10 CPM Alternatives To Adsense

Though Adsense is highly popular, lots of people find difficulties working with it. How about you? Enjoying their policy of "guilty until proven innocence", which is considered a huge drawback for some people? There is nothing wrong in preparing for the worst. Here is the list of 10 CPM alternatives to Adsense, ranging from the feather up to the heavywheight class:

AdsDaq (no requirement) - This feather class ads company can handsomely backup ads from any network, though only provide ads for specific countries. No free domain please.

Ad Dynamix - (no requirement) - Very interesting minimal requirements, though their customer support is not too excellent. In addition, only for USA citizens.

ValueClick (3,000 pageviews per month) - Known to be a little strict with the type of site approved, but the low minimum requirement is an ease.

Morning Falls (10,000 pageviews per month) - Low traffic requirement, solid customer service, simple implementation, and the reports is easily understood. Nice combo.

CPX Interactive (10,000 pageviews per month) - Nice integration and solid reporting with the cost of strict internal approve. Fulfilling the minimum requirements does not guarrantee the approval.

Burst Media (20,000 pageviews per month) - An intermediate advertising company with advanced integration and report. Advanced can also means complicated for some people.

Casale Media (10,000 unique visitors per month) - Good for established sites, and it handles larger sites as well.

Tribal Fusion (60,000 unique visitors per month) - A solid advertising company, with solid pay scale. It supports hundreds of sites, with lots of categories.

Adtegrity (500,000 pageviews per month) - Well known for its impressive customer support, growing fast and a potential leader in the future advertising field.

Advertising.com (2 million pageviews per month) - Heavyweight class advertising company, tough on the requirement but definitely worth it.

Build Traffic

Traffic is the heartbeat of every website in the internet. Decent traffic are needed to keep a website survive professionally. If you want to earn income online, you need traffic to view and click your ads. If you are a writer, you need traffic to make your work acknowledged. If you offer some services, you need traffic to make people know your services and use them later. Here are some proven tips to build traffic.

Good Contents

Contents make your website’s reputation. You put good contents there, your website become famous. You put bad contents there, your website will be forgotten. Visitors will come back if they like your website, probably bringing their friends along too.

Good contents are contents that are useful to your visitors. In other words, they have to deliver some value to people / visitors.

The values of contents themselves are ranging from weak to strong one. Strong value delivers the real impact to traffic increasement. However, creating strong value is much harder than the weaker one.

The definitions of strong and weak value itself are sometimes in blurry fog. However, according to Steve Pavlina, weak value means that the contents are helpful to people but not long lasting, like one time help. In the other hand, strong value means that the contents can change someone’s life, and the effect is long lasting.

Weak values are usually more realistic, and something that is easy applied. Like how tos, tips and tricks, DIY, etc. While strong values are mostly a little bit more absurd, imaginary, and harder to apply. Such as about self development, leadership, soft skills, etc.

Sometimes people wonder how to deliver strong value, it’s seems very hard but also very easy. Just keep trying to deliver value, and don’t think about the strength of your value itself. Do everything your can to help others and soon or later, you will deliver strong value.

Search Engine Friendly

Search engines are massive sources of traffic. That is why you should get along well with it. It will give you traffic even when you don’t expect it, from where you never expect it to come. All you need to do is be friendly to them.

To make your website more search engines friendly, you have to do what people call search engine optimizations (SEO). SEO are the attempts to make a website indexed by search engine quickly and accurately, so it’s visibility in search results will be better and deliver more traffic.

For a brand new website, SEO are done in three methods: adding meta tags, search engines submissions, and modifying robots.txt .

For established website, SEO are done by maintaining the meta tags. Meta tags are codes that explain the content / data of a website. These codes will be the first ones that is read by search engines crawler bots in your website. In simple, meta tags are the ID card of a website.

Crawler bots are the bots of search engines that function to update their index of the internet. Everyday they will always visit many-many websites and follow many-many links. If you want your contents to be indexed quickly and frequently, you better welcome them.

Besides doing it yourself, you can also use the service of SEO Service Company. If you have plentiful resource, their expertise should be useful in making your website more search engine friendly.

Social Media Network

Social media are the growing phenomena of this decade. Their popularity has been increasing more and more. Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon, Blogcatalog, Myspace, Reddit, Delicious, etc are the ones that are familiar with online businesspersons and bloggers.

If you use it right, social media can be a decent source of traffic. What you need to do is building a healthy network around you. Then you can share your thoughts, ideas, links, or posts there. Your network will follow your links and posts and give you more traffic.

However, each social media has different characteristics and users. You need to find the right one for you and your website. For example, Digg gets along well with unique / strange news and offbeat topics. If you write about how tos or personal development, it will be a little difficult for you to make it there.

In addition, belonging to many social media can be overwhelming. Therefore, it is better to concentrate on building a natural and healthy network on one social media that suits you. Belong to all 40 major social media with weak network around you is not a wise choice.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Get Money from Google Advertiser

Google is a powerhouse in every sense of the word. You can use their success to make money, boosting your own success. How do you use Google to make money? What tools do they offer to help you get the money you need for success? Google offers two powerful options for your needs, both of which will help you make money online and increase your income.
Google AdWords is one of the most commonly used PPC programs. PPC ads allow you to make money from consumer searches. These advertisements can be implemented in your affiliate program, by a business, or simply by enterprising consumers with a knack for writing excellent promotional copy. For instance, using AdWords, you would target specific keywords and products, creating a very brief ad around them. This ad would then be displayed to the right of natural search results, encouraging consumers to click the link and be taken to the corresponding website. The catch to this is that you must pay for each consumer that clicks your link. If you target your keywords correctly, you can make money quite easily. However, if you target keywords that are in high demand, you will not make money quite so easily, and it may actually cost you money in the end.
Google Adsense is another excellent way to make money online. You can get money simply from placing ads within your website or blog online. Most blogging platforms actually offer a way to do this automatically, through a "drag-and-drop" interface. Simply place your Adsense ads around your content and Google will tailor those ads to match your content. You make money for any consumer who follows the link through those ads. If you have a popular blog or website, monetizing it through Adsense is a tremendous way to make money without having to do anything other than what you already do. This is a better option than AdWords for consumers who are not selling anything, but still wish to make money in the online environment.
Obviously, you can learn how to make money online from Google quite easily. It simply involves a bit of research and starting an account with either Google Adsense or AdWords. You'll find that Google gives you a walkthrough of both processes, allowing you to start to make money with great ease. Monetizing your blog or website, engaging in PPC campaigns and other options through Google are excellent ways to get the money you need.

Earning Figure Income

make figure income by working from home using an online business opportunity? The answer is absolutely! It's being done every day. And you can be a part of it.

What exactly is necessary for this to take place? You may be surprised. They might not be what you are thinking. For instance, you may think you have to have an opt-in list of thousands. Or that you must know all the ins and outs of Google Pay Per Click systems. While such things are highly beneficial, they are the frosting and not the cake. Let's look at the four ingredients that all successful online entrepreneurs agree are essential.
• A valid product
• A solid, legitimate company
• A workable marketing system (preferably turnkey)
• A caring knowledgeable mentor
Valid Product
Once you begin browsing for an online opportunity you will come across many offers to sell what is known as "fluff." For instance, it may be a how-to ebook that contains very little value in the content. That book may earn you a few dollars, but the chance of building a good relationship with your contacts is slim. Always keep in mind that your goal is to create a level of trust between you and your customers. The best way to do that is to present a product or service which offers great value for the money.
Once you are settled on a product, you can build up from there. Perhaps the beginning product has up-sell products. Or the initial purchase creates a monthly membership for which an ongoing fee is paid. It's the level of trust that builds the strong foundation for your online business and allows it to grow. And a valid product or service is absolutely essential in creating that initial trust. To settle for less is to settle for failure.
Legitimate Company
Because you are dead-serious about the online business you are building, you want to hook up with a company that has a sterling track record of reliability, ethical business dealings (with both customers and affiliates), and are known for quality products or services.

As you are searching, make sure each company has displayed a physical address, possibly a live phone number, and even photos and bios of their team members. From there, you can run an online search to see if this is valid information.

This is your time and your money you are investing. Make sure you are investing it wisely. There are many good programs and businesses out there which can prove their experience, credibility, and accessibility. Why would you want to take a chance on anything less?
Marketing System
Looking at a company's marketing system means you must discern what they are truly offering. Some will offer to do it all and will make the claim that it's a totally "hands-off" system. While that may sound great, the truth is, what you really want is a system that will
• provide you with great marketing tools
• give clear instruction
• remove the drudgery, and
• teach you the most successful marketing techniques
While the idea of a "hands-off" business may sound tempting in the beginning, that's not what you are looking for - that is, if you are truly serious about making that 7-figure income. You want to get in there and get your hands dirty, so to speak. Because once you learn how to market online, you will be a force to be reckoned with!
There's probably nothing more valuable to online success than a caring, knowledgeable mentor. This is true in sports, it's true in the arts, it's true in business, and it especially true in an online business opportunity. There are so many variables; so many ways to miss the mark and slip up. Some can be so devastating it causes many to quit and they never try again.

A mentor is like a guide through the jungle. The mentor is there to get you around all the pitfalls and the dangers and bring you through safely to the other side. It would not be an exaggeration to say that of the four musts listed here, this one is by far the most important and the most vital to your ongoing success.

Ways to Make Money Fast

If you need the money, The following 5 strategies will give you the moves to take you to the first level. -A guy/gal with a proven idea that can be replicated.
1) Lets get this straight. Million dollar bank balances are numerical in nature. By that I mean a million bucks is not made up of 1 large million dollar bill. Its made up of exactly one million single's. Or to go to the lowest common denominator, its actually numerically made up of One thousand, million (or 1 billion) cents.
Make money fast and easy by thinking of money as numerical and therefore exponential. A dollar that you hold in your hand is the same as $1 million dollars. No difference at all. Its a seed that grows into a tree, then that tree spurrs more seeds. (I apologize for the metaphor, but how else can we put this so you understand the nature of the reality as it is)
2) When you approach your 1 million dollar goal, you are biting off much much more then you can chew thinking about that million.
To make money fast and easy always think small. Refine, refine, refine. Then duplicate, duplicate, duplicate. Are you with me? Is this making sense? Make a simple little mouse trap, then make lots of mouse traps exactly the same way.
3) Find demand and supply into that demand.
To make money fast and easy, even before you think about "what" you will do, you are going to research demand. You will become an expert at sniffing out needs. This skill is a millionaires bow and arrow. Let me tell you, most millionaires couldn't hit the side of a barn much less the bulls eye. But they DO know this. So their aim is not important. What is important is that the target is nice and gigantic. How can they miss?
Trust me, its what millionaires do, its how millionaires think. Always supply into Fat juicy demand where the picking is easy. Do you want medals of bravery or a million bucks asap?
4) Have a structure you never deviate from.
They always failed to plan when they planned to fail. Once your research is done never deviate from it. Give it a good run but if it doesn't work out for you then move on without shedding a single tear. Chance and "chaos theory" are fascinating things. Probability is what millionaires deal with. They never delude themselves into believing in absolutes.
To make money fast and easy, you will not work backwards or second guess yourself. Plant yourself firmly in the middle of the road on the high side and go forward. Don't make it up as you go. Stick to what your demand planning told you to do. Many give up after 1 failure, but probability is a funny thing. We think we can control it, but even when all your ducks are lined up in a row, it may not work. But give it a chance and let it prove itself and you may find over a number of attempts you will get the results you expected.
5) Diversify AND Go deep.
They call out diversify when it comes to investing. Fair enough. Things change and relying on just one source for your income stream is dangerous. And it is. But there are two sides to every coin.
The pareto principle states that reality and probability are stacked unevenly. We as rational human beings think of everything as equal and even. However scientific evidence and business experience tells a different story. The pareto principle is also known as the 80/20 rule. It states that 80% of your results comes from 20% of your activities. Is this significant if true? You bet. It means that of every effort you make, of all the many things you do to manufacture your results, only 20% actually is responsible for a large proportion (in fact 80%) of them.
So what does this mean in English? It means you can easily quadruple your results by finding out what that special 20% activity is and stop doing everything else. By focusing on just that 20% activity you will not only increase results, but you will create a new pareto principle refined of the old one at a higher level. In this way you move forward and evolve your activities to higher and higher levels.
To your health and rapid success.
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Monday, May 11, 2009

Make money using PPC advertising

The fastest way to go from $0 to $1000+ per day on the internet is, some claim, with pay per click advertising. It's risky, it's volatile, but it can be extremely rewarding if done correctly.
There are numerous examples like the entrepreneur who went from no experience with PPC to $700 a day within his first week. It takes some capital to get started - small amounts - but if you've got the money and the motivation to give it a shot, you may find yourself striking gold.
When I say it's risky, I'm not talking risky like playing roulette in Vegas. If you're smart, creative, and hard working, you can easily tip the odds in your favour and build up a long term profitable business with PPC.
For the purposes of this guide, I'm going to assume that you don't have any experience at all in this area. The beginning of the guide might be a little basic for some of you, but there are going to be plenty of advanced tactics discussed as well.
I highly recommend reading the entire guide before getting started. There are a lot of pieces to the PPC puzzle, but I will try my best to put them all together by the end.
So sit back, enjoy, and let's learn how to make some money.
What You'll Need
You're going to need a few things to get started. Any business requires a solid foundation to stand on, and PPC advertising is no exception. You'll need a minimum of $50-$100 to start out with, the more initial capital the better.
A Product To Sell
For our purposes, we're going to be promoting affiliate offers. These methods can work well for just about any product or service, but if you need something to promote, I highly recommend the following networks:
Commission Junction - Commission Junction is the industry leader in affiliate marketing. They handle huge affiliate campaigns for companies such as Ebay, Yahoo, And Buy.com.
Clickbank - Clickbank specializes in selling digital, downloadable products such as ebooks and software.
Azoogleads - Azoogle is an industry leader in lead acquisition marketing. They have some of the best dating, ring tone, and insurance offers in the industry.
There are literally thousands of affiliate programs around. The ones listed above have proven to be highly reputable companies who have high converting offers and payout on time. It's a good idea to focus on one or two networks at first, and those three companies make for a great starting point.
An Advertising Avenue
Google Adwords
Yahoo Search Marketing
Microsoft Adcenter
These are the “big three” when it comes to search engines. I recommend starting out with Yahoo or Adcenter if you're new, since there is less competition, but over the long run you're going to want to use or at least test out all three networks in order to maximize your profits.
A Website
A website, more commonly referred to as a “landing page” in the affiliate marketing world, is vital. Yes, there are campaigns where you can link directly to the advertisers offer, but in 99% of all cases I highly recommend a landing page.
A landing page allows you to sell the customer on the product you're promoting. It also allows you to deal with “quality score” issues, which will be discussed in depth later in the article.
Another good reason for a landing page is that most search engines only allow one advertisement per URL. That means if you're direct linking your ad won't show if other advertisers are outbidding you.
We'll talk in depth about landing pages later. If you can't build a website, learn, or be prepared to pay a designer because landing pages are vitally important.


About Me

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iam single, sexy, smart, so happy