Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Earning Figure Income

make figure income by working from home using an online business opportunity? The answer is absolutely! It's being done every day. And you can be a part of it.

What exactly is necessary for this to take place? You may be surprised. They might not be what you are thinking. For instance, you may think you have to have an opt-in list of thousands. Or that you must know all the ins and outs of Google Pay Per Click systems. While such things are highly beneficial, they are the frosting and not the cake. Let's look at the four ingredients that all successful online entrepreneurs agree are essential.
• A valid product
• A solid, legitimate company
• A workable marketing system (preferably turnkey)
• A caring knowledgeable mentor
Valid Product
Once you begin browsing for an online opportunity you will come across many offers to sell what is known as "fluff." For instance, it may be a how-to ebook that contains very little value in the content. That book may earn you a few dollars, but the chance of building a good relationship with your contacts is slim. Always keep in mind that your goal is to create a level of trust between you and your customers. The best way to do that is to present a product or service which offers great value for the money.
Once you are settled on a product, you can build up from there. Perhaps the beginning product has up-sell products. Or the initial purchase creates a monthly membership for which an ongoing fee is paid. It's the level of trust that builds the strong foundation for your online business and allows it to grow. And a valid product or service is absolutely essential in creating that initial trust. To settle for less is to settle for failure.
Legitimate Company
Because you are dead-serious about the online business you are building, you want to hook up with a company that has a sterling track record of reliability, ethical business dealings (with both customers and affiliates), and are known for quality products or services.

As you are searching, make sure each company has displayed a physical address, possibly a live phone number, and even photos and bios of their team members. From there, you can run an online search to see if this is valid information.

This is your time and your money you are investing. Make sure you are investing it wisely. There are many good programs and businesses out there which can prove their experience, credibility, and accessibility. Why would you want to take a chance on anything less?
Marketing System
Looking at a company's marketing system means you must discern what they are truly offering. Some will offer to do it all and will make the claim that it's a totally "hands-off" system. While that may sound great, the truth is, what you really want is a system that will
• provide you with great marketing tools
• give clear instruction
• remove the drudgery, and
• teach you the most successful marketing techniques
While the idea of a "hands-off" business may sound tempting in the beginning, that's not what you are looking for - that is, if you are truly serious about making that 7-figure income. You want to get in there and get your hands dirty, so to speak. Because once you learn how to market online, you will be a force to be reckoned with!
There's probably nothing more valuable to online success than a caring, knowledgeable mentor. This is true in sports, it's true in the arts, it's true in business, and it especially true in an online business opportunity. There are so many variables; so many ways to miss the mark and slip up. Some can be so devastating it causes many to quit and they never try again.

A mentor is like a guide through the jungle. The mentor is there to get you around all the pitfalls and the dangers and bring you through safely to the other side. It would not be an exaggeration to say that of the four musts listed here, this one is by far the most important and the most vital to your ongoing success.

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